Как перевести USDT: правила и способы

Tether also issues tokens pegged to the euro, the offshore Chinese yuan, the Mexican peso, and gold, none with more than a small fraction of the market cap of its U.S. dollar-pegged USDT tokens. Tether is a stablecoin, a type of cryptocurrency pursuing a steady valuation. We are confident that our product will make a difference in cryptocurrency trading, bringing security and professional approach to all users around the world. We are proud of our product, and we hope you enjoy Nominex as much as we enjoy offering it to you.

  • Amilcar has 10 years of FinTech, blockchain, and crypto startup experience and advises financial institutions, governments, regulators, and startups.
  • You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.
  • In November 2017, Tether reported the electronic theft of $31 million in USDT tokens, after which a hard fork was performed.
  • As of the same date, Tether reported holding 82.45% of its reserves in cash, cash equivalents, short-term deposits, and commercial paper; 4.69% in corporate bonds; 9.02% in secured loans to unaffiliated entities; and 3.85% in other investments, including digital tokens.
  • Tether was launched as RealCoin in July 2014 and was rebranded as Tether in November 2014.

Tether also launched MXNT, a stablecoin backed by the Mexican peso following earlier expansions into Europe and China . Tether’s parent company paid nearly $60 million in fines in 2021 to settle two regulatory probes alleging it mishandled and misrepresented its reserves. Tether is used by investors who want to avoid the volatility typical of cryptocurrencies while holding funds within the crypto system.

Tether (USDT) Кошелек

Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein. As of the date this article was written, the author does not own cryptocurrency. In November 2017, Tether reported the electronic theft of $31 million in USDT tokens, after which a hard fork was performed. In May 2022, Tether’s price briefly fell to as little $0.96 following the collapse in the value of a different stablecoin, TerraUSD , from an issuer not affiliated with Tether or BitFinex.

A stable value promotes using stablecoins as a medium of exchange like conventional money. As noted above, in practical terms, stablecoins have made it easier to speculate in cryptocurrency markets. Their rapid growth in popularity is also the result of stablecoins’ use as collateral by decentralized finance lending and staking protocols. Tether is a cryptocurrency stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar and backed „100% by Tether’s reserves,” according to its website. Bridging the gap between fiat currency and cryptocurrency, stablecoins aim to achieve stable price valuation using different working mechanisms.

как перевести usdt на другой кошелек

Tether tokens can be bought and sold on cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, CoinSpot, Bitfinex, and Kraken. Tether is primarily used to convert cryptocurrencies to fiat to prevent slippage, or a decrease in value between transaction initiation and execution. However, there are times when it isn’t exactly pegged to the fiat currency it is supposed to be tracking. For instance, when the exchange FTX collapsed in November 2022, Tether plummeted to nearly $0.995 but rebounded quickly, at times seeing much more than a 1-to-1 peg through January 2023. As of the same date, Tether reported holding 82.45% of its reserves in cash, cash equivalents, short-term deposits, and commercial paper; 4.69% in corporate bonds; 9.02% in secured loans to unaffiliated entities; and 3.85% in other investments, including digital tokens. As of January 2023, Tether was the third-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and Ethereum and the largest stablecoin with a market capitalization of nearly $68 billion.

Как перевести и получить Tether (USDT) на кошелек в 2023 году

Digital money or digital currency is any type of payment that exists purely in electronic form and is accounted for and transferred using computers. USD Coin is a stablecoin that is fully backed by U.S. dollars and dollar-denominated assets. Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or other ICOs. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions.

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Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy. By then, the company was already dealing with critics questioning the adequacy of its reserves and, as subsequent investigations would show, having trouble accessing banking services. Tether was launched as RealCoin in July 2014 and was rebranded as Tether in November 2014.

In 2022, Tether’s USDT accounted for most of the exchanges out of Bitcoin by value. Tether is owned by iFinex, the Hong Kong-registered company that also owns the crypto exchange BitFinex. Amilcar has 10 years of FinTech, blockchain, and crypto startup experience and advises financial institutions, governments, regulators, and startups.

Какая комиссия за перевод Tether?

The peg to a traditional currency, often backed by collateral reserves made up entirely or mostly of the pegged currency, ensures stablecoins aren’t subject to the same price volatility as more speculative cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Bitfinex agreed to pay a $1.5 million fine to settle separate CFTC allegations as part of the settlement. Tether belongs to a fast-growing breed of cryptocurrencies called stablecoins, which aim to keep the price of their tokens stable, most commonly by tying it to the price of a traditional currency like the U.S. dollar. USDT is a cryptocurrency stablecoin, the value of which is pegged to the US dollar at the rate of one USDT token to one USD. Terra refers to an open-source blockchain protocol for stablecoins and apps and is one of two main cryptocurrency tokens under this protocol.

Originally based on the Bitcoin blockchain, Tether now supports Bitcoin’s Omni and Liquid protocols as well as the Ethereum, TRON, EOS, Algorand, Solana, and Bitcoin Cash blockchains.